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博业体育-法兰克福展览宣布延期举办CAPAS 2022及AMR 2022

时间:2023-11-18   作者:博业体育 点击:

山工机械 法兰克福展览公布延期举行CAPAS 2022和AMR 2022 www.6300.net 2022-04-22中国工程机械信息网


鉴在近期全国疫情转变,各地严酷紧抓疫情防控工作,为共同当局贯彻落实疫情防控的最新摆设和要求,法兰克福展览公布延期举行团体旗下两场在国内进行的交通运输和物流范畴博览会。原定在2022年5月19至21日进行的成都国际汽车零配件和售后办事博览会(CAPAS)将顺延至本年8月18至20日。另原定在2022年5月27至30日在天津进行的AMR中国国际汽车维修检测诊断装备、零部件和美容养护博览会 (AMR中国国际汽保汽配展)则延至2023年3月23至26日进行。


在接下来的时候,两场展会的团队将继续为展会做更充实的预备。此中,CAPAS将供给线上钻研会、精准商贸配对、财产调研和地推路演等一系列勾当,精心打造贯串全年的办事系统,为本年八月的展会带来更出色的勾当,为行业同仁带来更高效、更完美的参展效益。另外一方面,AMR团队在准备来岁展期的同时,也将组织 AMR Online 线上商贸配对办事和一系列丰硕的勾当,助力汽车后市场连结强劲的增加势头。


Messe Frankfurt reschedules CAPAS 2022 and Auto Maintenance Repair Expo 2022

In view of the evolving pandemic situation in China, the Government has ��ҵ����escalated a number of COVID-19 prevention and control measures. To align with these efforts, Messe Frankfurt is rescheduling two of its Mobility Logistics fairs in the country. CAPAS Chengdu will move to 18 – 20 August 2022, instead of the original timeslot (19 – 21 May 2022). In addition, the Auto Maintenance and Repair Expo (AMR) will be held in Tianjin from 23 – 26 March 2023 (in place of 27 – 30 May 2022).

Mr Stephan Buurma, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt Group, commented: “CAPAS and AMR are both benchmark business platform for the automotive industry across Southwest China and the Jing-jin-ji region, respectively. Therefore, it is important that we continue to support the Government’s direction in stemming the spread of COVID-19. Furthermore, the health and safety of our exhibitors, visitors and other participants are always our top priorities. And so, as a result of careful discussions with stakeholders, we have decided to reschedule both exhibitions to help maximise onsite experiences for all.”

In the upcoming months, the two fairs will carry on planning and preparing pre-show events and activities that maintain market momentum ahead of the physical fairs. CAPAS will deliver a wide range of extended services like online seminars, online business matching, industry research, repair workshop visits and roadshows that offer more far-reaching and effective trading resources for players in the region. Meanwhile, leading up to the 2023 show dates, AMR will continue to offer AMR Online business matching services and organise a range of industry activities to maintain market momentum in the auto aftermarket.

Mindful of the COVID-19 outbreak, the organisers will establish appropriate safety parameters to support the wellbeing of all those at the shows. The implementation of these measures is to ensure the exhibition remains a secure platform for business.



* 2021年头步数字

Background information on Messe Frankfurt

The Messe Frankfurt Group is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. The Group employs approximately 2,300* people at its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and in 30 subsidiaries around the world. In 2021, the company had to contend with the challenges posed by the pandemic for the second consecutive year. Annual sales will be approximately €140* million after having been as high as €736 million in 2019 before the pandemic. Even in difficult times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are globally networked with our industry sectors. We have close ties with our industry sectors and serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of the Group’s key USPs is its closely knit global sales network, which extends throughout the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. We are expanding our digital expertise with new business models. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. Headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).

For more information, please visit our website at: www.messefrankfurt.com

* Preliminary figures for 2021



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